Cedar roofs are one of the most aesthetically pleasing roof types. However, when getting them installed for your home, you’ll be presented with the option of treating them or not. Generally,

Why Cedar Roof Maintenance Is Important
Cedar shakes have a natural beauty that’s hard to ignore. Natural wood is easily captivating, and it adds warmth to a home. Textured cedar shakes particularly look great on old cabin houses.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Cedar Roofing
Available in different colors, textures and profiles, cedar roofing is a popular choice in both residential and commercial applications because of its natural beauty, elemental resistance and dime

3 Cedar Roofing Installation Mistakes That You Should Avoid
Having a cedar roof is a great way to make your home stand out from a sea of asphalt shingles roofs. It gives your home a natural look that adds a unique charm, not to mention boost your home’s cu

The Different Cedar Varieties and Roofing Grades
There are several reasons why cedar roofing shingles are so popular. They offer a high level of protection, have excellent insulative capabilities and a low carbon footprint (qualities that would